Hot Bite at Trinity Lake

After a 3 ½ drive we arrived at Trinity Lake Launch Ramp, which looked like a ice skating rink due to the ice. After launching we headed toward the dam and started trolling just outside of Papoose Arm. After about and hour into fishing, we weren’t having much luck. We headed up the Papoose Arm where we spotted bait suspended at 50 to 70 feet. We dropped a couple of lines to 60 feet and immediately hooked up a nice 3 lb Salmon. From that point on it was non-stop action with Salmon coming from 60 feet. We ended the day with boating over 15 Salmon up to 4.75 and a half dozen small rainbows. The hot setup of the day was UV Sling Blade and a White Pee Wee Hoochie covered in Pro-Cure Bloody Tuna.